Host Family Spotlight:
Shannon in Michigan
We have so many incredible Host Families who work with us here at Educatius. Every now and again we like to give a shoutout to a particular family. Today we would like to share our appreciation of Shannon in Michigan.
This Family Spotlight was provided by the family’s Local Coordinator, Tracy Somers.

During the 2022-2023 school year, Shannon from Michigan, opened here home to Julien from France. As first-time hosts of an international student, the family (host mother Shannon and sons Canyon and Chaycen) fully embraced hosting. They wanted to provide an immersive American family experience for Julien.
Reflecting on the year, Shannon, comments that hosting was “a great experience that truly touched my heart.” They will always remember “the way he filled our home with all the laughs and love he added.”
Family life:
The family included Julien in every celebration and event. They introduced him to their Grandma’s favorite dishes and invited him to participate in making “bubba,” a ham, egg, bread, and cheese dish, traditionally prepared every Easter. When Julian would DJ on the school radio station, they made sure to listen–as did his natural parents in France!
The bond between the boys was especially strong. Julien enthusiastically supported Chaycen at his wrestling matches; and the family cheered for Julien at every football game.

One of the most memorable moments was during “Parents Night” for the football players and their families. Shannon, along with Canyon and Chaycens father Mark and his wife Jennifer, donned matching sweatshirts emblazoned with “host mom” or “host dad” on the back. Together, they walked Julien onto the field, proudly recognizing him alongside the other football players. This heartwarming gesture demonstrated the profound connection that extended beyond mere host and student; Julien had become a cherished member of the family. Shannon affectionately says, “Julien is just like one of my children.”
Their inclusion and genuine care transformed Julien’s time in Michigan into a transformative and unforgettable chapter of his life. Shannon’s dedication has left an indelible mark on both Julien and his natural parents in France. The experience also fostered a global bond of love and gratitude in both families.
Thank you, Shannon! We appreciate all you do for our international students.

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