Discover Your Ideal High School Program!
If you are between 14-18 years old and you would love to study high school abroad, we have the programs for you! You can look forward to making new friends, studying high school in a new country and learning a new language – skills that will empower you to learn for life, in a safe and reassuring environment with a carefully selected host family or on campus at an excellent boarding school. Your goals will determine which high school program is right for you. Keep reading to unlock the differences between Select, Classic, Boarding, and Academic Exchange!

Maximum Control: Select
If you want to control where you’ll study, and what sports or arts or academics are available, the Select Program is your best option. We can help you choose your school based on what you want, and then we will place you in the right accommodation and take care of you throughout your high school study abroad, whether that is for a trimester, a semester, an academic year or even multiple years. Your journey and your way!
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Cultural Experience: Classic
If you are looking for a cultural experience for a year, a semester, or a trimester, our Classic Program will match you with a welcoming host family and place you in a nearby school. We find the host family and choose the school, and you can enjoy what they have to offer while immersing yourself in local culture. It’s great for students who can be more flexible in where and what they study.
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All-inclusive: Boarding
If you dream about a high school exchange that combines academic excellence with a resort-like experience, explore our Boarding School Program today! As a student, you’ll live on campus, near your classes and enjoy top-notch education and extracurriculars. This program offers unique preparations for the world’s best colleges and universities.
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Hybrid: Academic Exchange and Boarding Exchange
If you imagine an adventurous high school year abroad, diving deep into your interests, or enjoying a warmer climate, the Academic Exchange Program could be the ideal choice. It’s a flexible option, simplifying the F-1 visa process for international students in the USA. While you won’t pick the school, it’s budget-friendly compared to the Select program.
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Online: Diploma programs
You can earn a diploma by studying online our Diploma Program through a prestigious USA boarding school. You have two options: upgrade your year-long Classic J-1 or Select F-1 program for a Dual Diploma, or take your courses entirely online without studying abroad. Enjoy flexible online courses with bi-monthly real-time teacher and class meetings
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